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Topik debat bahasa inggris

Debat bisa dikatakan sebagai adu argumen pro dan kontra mengenai suatu topik yang bersifat kontroversional
Topik dalam debat bersifat kontroversi, dan setiap peserta debat bisa berargumen pro maupun kontra.

Berikut sejumlah topikk untuk debat bahasa inggris:

1. Homework should be banned

2. Student must have their own income through a part time job

3. Teacher should allow the students to have meal and beverage to class

4. Wayang show can be performed by bahasa

5. Gambling is legal

6. Woman is a better driver than a man

7. Parents should leave their gadget to watch their kid's growth

8. Man has more power to lead than woman

9. The useless cinema will be turned off from television

10. there's no use in Learning other's language but English

11. Gambling is legally allowed

12. Having more than one wife is alright

13. Corrupter must receive the death sentence

14. Parents can choose the marriage partner for their children

15. Skyscraper should be built more to grab the wealth

16. Plastic surgery must not be allowed

17. Cigarette company should be closed

18. Entering college is the only way to get  bright future

19. Mathematics is the only subject to measure how smart a student is.

20. Each children should do what parents want to.

 kamu bisa mencoba menggunakan salah satu topik diatas untuk melatih kemampuan debat mu dan jangan lupa untuk mencari vocab serta pengetahuan tentang topik yang akan anda debatkan.

Happy trying 😊
Semoga bermanfaat


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