Hello English learner Did you use to speak English slowly?? It was okay when you're a beginner, it's a basic way to learn. But don't you know some sentences could be read faster than you ever did, one of the way is pronouncing word by word continually, so there will be a better way to have a good English speaking such as: GIVE ME A BREAK, the slow reading will sound like 'gif mi a break', otherwise you can pronounce it ' gimme a break ' . You'll sound like a native English speaker and you can practice it for your training. So, let's speak like a jet 😊 1. I have got to go ' I've gotta go ' 2. I have got a book ' I've gotta book ' 3. Do you want to cook? ' wanna cook? ' 4. Do you want a mango ? ' wanna mango? ' 5. Give me five ' gimme five ' 6. Let me see ' lemme see ' 7. I'll let you know ' I'll Letcha know ' 8. Did you do it? ' dicha do it? &
Allah itu Maha Baik, Dia takkan meninggalkan kita, mari saling berbagi dan berbuat kebaikan supaya kelak diri kita pantas mendapatkan rahmatNya